studie from life


Daniel said...

whoa, these are really really cool! great sense of lighting and space!

PaoYunSoo said...

thx daniel !! : )

Marc said...

ces "studies from life" sont impressionant. Et je vois que tu n'a pas ralenti, chaque fois que je vais sur ton blog y'en a d'autre!

pao said...

hehe, meci c'est cool marc !! j'espere que totu ce passe bien pour toi , a + !!

Justin said...

saw these on another forum (Sijun I think?), they are amazing! and thank you for the comment!

Anonymous said...


pao said...

justin, joe, thx a lor guys

Stephen Grey said...

hey Pao, great stuff and you seem to be getting better and better.

Something that I think you could improve would be getting rid of the "grey film" that seems to cover much of your art. I know people have mentioned this to you before and it seems to have gotten better, but basically you need to push values more and move the atmosphere/haze farther toward the background in your images. Alternatively you could try erasing out-- but you really need to do something about this, it's really hurting you. Even more recent ones like ship2copiei.jpg have the problem.

On the bright side, you don't have any problems other than that one and that should be pretty easy to get rid of.

PaoYunSoo said...

yea that's so boring, i try to make some studies to fell better with colour ... but always the same problem ... i think there are some basic rules i didn't learn ><

thx for the critics man

Pao Youn Bitch said...
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